This Windows-compatible version of the Maxxyz™ and M-Series console is an online and offline editing tool that gives you total Maxxyz functionality from the ease and convenience of a PC or laptop. It is ideal for training purposes and preprogramming of shows.
-Support for 64 DMX universes on Pro Edition and 8 on Basic Edition
-Offline and online programming
-1024 channels in Demo mode using Martin USB Duo DMX or Martin Universal USB DMX interface
-Mx Manager Software for programming and triggering via time and calendar schedules
-Customizable Graphical User Interface with context sensitive toolbars and integrated help menu
-Powerful effects engine
-Keyboard shortcuts
-Parallel execution of multiple cuelists
-Full compatibility with Maxxyz / M Series console
-On-the-fly global timing adjustments
-Networking with Maxedia media server CITP protocol
-Controls up to 32768 fixtures in Pro Edition (4096 in Basic Edition)
-1000 cuelists with motorized fader control
-1000 cuelists with playback control buttons
-12 customizable function keys
-3D visualizer integrated
-Submaster, groupmaster and override functionality
-Fanning functionality
-Auto update for presets and cues, including 'track backwards'